In “stuff you might want to consider purchasing” news: the guys from the Self-Publishing Podcast have put out a book about (you guessed it!) self-publishing. Called Write. Publish. Repeat., it’s available on Amazon, Amazon UK, Nook, and Kobo.
If you’re not familiar with the SPP crew, well, they helped reinvent serialized fiction for the digital era and were some of the first writers contracted for Amazon’s own serial program. They’re insanely prolific—like, millions of words a year; David Gaughran recently blogged about the methods described in their book—and their podcast is one of the best resources out there for independent authors. WPR is the distillation of nearly two years of that podcast into one book.
For the moment, it’s available for $2.99, but I think it will be raised to its list price of $5.99 pretty quick. Hope you find it useful.
(Extra special bonus: in it, they compare me to Justin Timberlake. Next time, I will insist they compare JT to me.)
A couple days ago, I rejoined the Self-Publishing Podcast once again. This time, we’re talking launch strategies, box sets, sales trends, and how to give a big boost to later releases in your series, among other things. This is either the third or fourth time I’ve been on the show—apparently I’m now the Justin Timberlake to the SPP’s SNL—but I had a particularly great time on this episode, and feel we covered an awful lot of ground.
The changes in Amazon’s affiliate program had many of us worried that it would become much harder for authors to run successful free book promotions. On the day the changes went into effect, I joined the Self-Publishing Podcast to discuss these changes and what they might mean.
A week later, it appears that the reports of the death of free books have been greatly exaggerated, with most major free sites deciding to take a hit to their own income rather than to shake up their core model. Even so, I think it’s a useful conversation exploring how to use free, how to move beyond free, and the dangers of relying on tactics that are so situational. Even if the big sites don’t make any more major changes–and it’s still very early in the game–it’s good to be reminded how reliant we are on them for successful free promotions.
And as usual, I had a blast. Hope you enjoy.
For the last few weeks, I’ve been too busy to do anything except revise my upcoming novel, but when the guys at the Self-Publishing Podcast invited me back on the show, I jumped at the chance. In the last year, host authors Johnny B. Truant, Sean Platt, and David Wright have exploded; their serialized Yesterday’s Gone has sold tens of thousands of copies, Amazon picked them up for a couple Kindle Serials, and they continue to produce new titles with staggering prolificacy. Dudes know their shit.
So in their latest episode (#42), I went on to talk with them about Select and what Amazon’s algorithms have been up to since I was on the show last May, but I expected to learn plenty from them, too. I wasn’t disappointed.
You can watch the show here. I had a blast. Hope there’s something useful for you, too.
I’ve recently moved to the L.A. area. This sentence is shorthand for “I’ve spent the last month deploying my skills as a former UPS store employee to pack up all the earthly belongings of myself and my girlfriend and begin an unlikely apprenticeship as a tileworker, thus converting my pink-and-teal bathroom into a water closet that appears as if it’s been stolen bodily from the Taj Mahal.” In other words, I’ve been busy.
Elsewhere, the world goes on. Among its busy activities: releasing my story “10%” as a podcast available at Cossmass Infinities. Extra-super bonus: it’s read in a sexy Scottish accent.
Enjoy. More regular updates should be around the corner.
About Me
The White Tree
In Mallon, the dark magic of the nether has been banned for centuries. Its users have been driven out or killed. Its secrets lost. But the holy book of...
More info →- Fantasy (5)
- Science Fiction (16)
- Breakers (11)
- Rebel Stars (3)
- The Cycle of Arawn (4)
- The Cycle of Galand (1)