Normally I have everything all lined up to release a new book within a few days of finishing the manuscript. That means that—again, normally—this book would have been out sometime in April. Since nothing about this year is normal, however, THE BLACK BOOK: The Cycle of the Scour #2 is out today instead. You can pick it up here.

TBB-ebookIf you haven’t gotten into the series yet, you are a disgrace to your family and I—wait, that’s no good. What I mean to say is, I have most generously dropped it to just $0.99 for the next few days (US/UK).

As for the other formats of THE BLACK BOOK, the paperback should be live any time now, with the audiobook scheduled for November. Tim’s returning to narrate.

Fun piece of trivia: I did something with this book that I haven’t done in a good twelve years: wrote it in first person. I think it’s a better fit for Cally, who is something of an unusual thinker.

Next up is THE TWELVE PLAGUES: The Cycle of Galand #7. Normally I’d be starting on it from scratch right now, but again, things aren’t normal here, and I’m already 300 pages deep. I plan to have it out by year’s end, but you can see what reality thinks of plans right now.

In the meantime, enjoy this one! Or two, if you haven’t read #1 already, like the dirty dog  you are—err rather, like a person who must have just innocently missed its initial release. Yes. Yes, that’s it.

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