Dante and Blays

Hello everyone. The end is here. THE CYCLE OF GALAND, the final book of The Cycle of Galand, is now live.

You can get it on Audible, Amazon audio, ebook, and paperback.

A part of me is very sad to bring this series to an end. But I am also very proud of this one. In it, I tried to answer as many remaining questions in the series as I could. Including some I didn’t realize I was asking until the very end. Nor could I have asked for anything more from the characters. They gave it everything.

There is a lot more I could say, but you can find most of it in the afterword to this book. But a few things. First, thank you so much for following these characters through to the finish. You guys gave me a career, and along with the Breakers series, Arawn and Galand are the reasons why. Thank you.

As for the most obvious question: Will there be any more books about Dante and Blays? For now, the answer is I don’t know. I wrote the first book, The White Tree, back in 2007, 17 years ago now. Once the last Cally book is done later this year, I’ll have written 17 novels in this world. And I was actually writing about an earlier form of Dante way back in 1997—when I was the same age he is at the start of The White Tree. A part of me can’t imagine leaving these characters behind. They’ve been with me pretty much my whole life.

But I’ve put Dante and Blays through so much. I think it’s important to give characters a proper ending to their story, and I’ll never be able to write a bigger ending for them than this. It might be their time.

Then again…there are more stories that could be told. You’ll see what I mean.

At the very least, if there are any more, it won’t be for a few years. First, there’s another universe I’ve been wanting to write for a long, long time. I need to explore that world first. And frankly, I think Dante and Blays have earned a much-deserved break.

In the meantime, reading my new books is more than enough, but if you’d like to help support me and ensure I can keep doing this for another 20+ years, I have started a Substack you are welcome to subscribe to:


I will be publishing my short fiction new and old there, along with occasional updates, maybe excerpts from upcoming works, etc. It’s only just getting started, but I’ve posted the very first Dante and Blays story that was ever published there, and there will be some more tales about them in the future. Who knows, maybe that’s where the idea for another series might come from.

Anyway, that’s it, I think. Thank you, one last time. And for now, here’s one last trip into the dream.

About Me

I am a Science Fiction and Fantasy author, based in LA. Read More.


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