July 30-31, it is the end of the world. Well, not actually. Not that I am aware of, anyway. If it is the actual end of the world, I think we’re all going to be a bit too busy dealing with the fog-monsters from beyond the stars to care about how I said the world was going to end and then it did.
Instead, I’m talking about the next best thing to the end of the world: a whole bunch of great books about the end of days are now on sale.
For between $0.99 and $2.99–as much as 75% and $5 off per book–read about plagues, invasions, terrorism, and other horrible things that would be awful to live through but are a hell of a lot of fun to read about.
Check out the full list by clicking here. Books include:
* My apocalyptic thriller Breakers, $2.99
* Phoenix Sullivan’s medical thriller SECTOR C, $0.99
* Steven Konkoly’s pandemic survival tale The Jakarta Pandemic, $2.99
* Amy Rogers’ eco-terrorist novel Petroplague, $2.99
* And Toni Dwiggins’ geological disaster mysteries Badwater and Volcano Watch
It’s a pretty diverse set, but they’ve all got two things in common: low prices, and a whole lot of stuff going kablooey. Please give them a look. And take that, humanity!
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