The Light of Life

I’ve mentioned this elsewhere, but forgot about here. Oops.

As the title says: THE LIGHT OF LIFE, The Cycle of Galand #4, is out on audio! Find it on Audible, Amazon, and iBooks.

TLoL AUdioTo anticipate a few questions: Yep—Tim Gerard Reynolds is still narrating.

As for when the next one’s out, as if getting two audiobooks within the span of three months isn’t awesome and great and satisfying enough to last through the rest of the decade: I’m currently working on new REBEL STARS. After that, it’s right back to Galand #5 (and #6), so expect the ebook version of the next installment next spring—hopefully early next spring—and the audiobook two or three months after that.

Authors are rarely the best judge of their own work, but I really like how this one turned out. Hope you guys do, too.

Today marks a bold new day in Cycle of Galand #4 releasing: THE LIGHT OF LIFE, The Cycle of Galand #4, has now been released. You can find it on Amazon, Amazon UK, and paperback.

TLOL-ebook-2For audiobook listeners, the wait will be shorter this time. THE LIGHT OF LIFE is tentatively scheduled for an August 15 audiobook release. Note this date isn’t chiseled in stone until the preorder’s up, but that’s the plan as it stands. As always, the inestimable Tim Gerard Reynolds will provide narration.

Oh, and if you’re new to the series, you can start with THE RED SEA, The Cycle of Galand #1. Or start at the very beginning with THE CYCLE OF ARAWN, the complete epic fantasy trilogy, which retails for a lowly $4.99, or is free to read through Kindle Unlimited.

I’ll have some updates on future projects, including further books in this series, in a couple of weeks. For now, go read and be merry, for Elon Musk hasn’t yet invented books that can read themselves.

About Me

I am a Science Fiction and Fantasy author, based in LA. Read More.


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