I will improve this writeup tomorrow. But it’s been a long day, and I need to collapse. In brief, then, a dozen of us indie fantasy writers are doing a one-day Kindle giveaway of some of our books. This runs the classic fantasy gamut–epic, historical, urban. Below are the authors involved, as well as a link to the Amazon pages where their books may be downloaded. Goodnight!
EDIT: Here’s a much nicer link, including snazzy covers, to all the free books.
Also, the list:
Dave King: Betrovia
Edward W. Robinson: The White Tree
Cate Dean: Last Chance Jack
Colin Taber: Fall of Ossard
Matthew Musser: Jadeflies
S. M. Reine: Death’s Hand
Brendan Carroll: The Red Cross of Gold
E. Stoops: Corner of a Round Planet
MeiLin Miranda: Lovers and Beloved
Tristan J. Tarwater: Little Girl Lost
J. R. Tomlin: Blood Duty
Christopher Bunn: Ice and Fire
Kate Danley: Maggie for Hire
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