freefall-audiobookI feel like the last one just came out—probably because it did—but there are no brakes on the Rebel Stars train. FREEFALL, #4 in the series, is now out on audiobook! Get it on Amazon or Audible, your pick.


If you haven’t gotten into the series yet, some incredibly generous person (wait, that was me!) has made the first three books available for just one credit (Amazon, Audible).

There’s just one more in the series after this, and it’s slated for release later next month. So as a completely disinterested third party, it sounds to me like you would have to be completely insane to not start listening to this now now now now.

Updates? Sure, some updates. Cally Book #2 should finally be out on ebook next month, with Tim recording the audio in September and a planned release date in November. I should have Galand #7 out on ebook right around that same time or a little thereafter (with the audiobook next spring).

Wait, what’s that? And I’ll have something else coming out by the end of the year, too? And it’s a secret that I’ve kept secret for the last couple of years, but which is finally about to come to life and could be mighty cool?

Well, that’s the word on the street, anyway. I suppose the only way to wait out the suspense is to go and listen to FREEFALL.

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