I spend a lot of time talking about Amazon here. That’s natural. Not only are they the biggest gorilla in the ebook business, but they’re the one I understand best. I can barely find my way around the iTunes store. To cap it off, after I started getting excited about Select back in February, I pulled all my novels from the other stores to meet Amazon’s exclusivity requirements. My total presence in the other stores consisted of one novella, which I made free, two short story collections priced at $0.99, and a longer collection at $2.99.

So it should be no surprise that according to Smashwords’ most recent updates, my total sales among all non-Amazon stores in 2012 have added up to about $30.

Well, last week I changed my novella The Zombies of Hobbiton from free to $1.99. Today, I was poking around iTunes. Here’s what I saw in Top Science Fiction & Literature Paid Books:

#34! In the entire Sci-Fi category! WOOOOO! Time to throw a party! Time to throw five parties!

Actually, I have absolutely no idea what that means in terms of sales. For all I know it only takes 1 sale/day to reach #34 in Sci-Fi. (And from what I hear from other authors, that’s probably a lot more realistic than thinking #34 means 10 or 100/day.) But you know what? Considering how crummy my sales of Amazon have been since the most recent algorithm change, I’m pretty damn happy to maybe be selling 1/day of something over on Apple. Time to get a couple more things out of Select and see what happens.

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I am a Science Fiction and Fantasy author, based in LA. Read More.
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