Hear ye, hear ye! THE SILVER THIEF: The Cycle of Galand #2 is now live (almost) everywhere. You can find it on Amazon, Amazon UK, iBooks, B&N Nook, Kobo, Google Play, and paperback. The previous book, THE RED SEA, can be found on Amazon.
(NOTE: in a few days, THE SILVER THIEF will be moved into Kindle Unlimited, meaning it’ll only be available through Amazon. If you’re not an Amazon user, please try to snag it before then!)
This was a fun one to write. I got to expand the world in two or three different dimensions, which is one of the major advantages of writing several books in the same universe. It feels like I get to put more and more “epic” into “epic fantasy” as the series goes on.
Additionally, unlike THE CYCLE OF ARAWN, where each book was a self-contained story, with a few years taking place offscreen between each book, THE SILVER THIEF picks up directly where THE RED SEA left off. I’m looking forward to building a single long, sustained story with this. I wouldn’t be surprised if it requires four books rather than the trilogy I originally saw it as.
Meanwhile, I’m sure a lot of you are wondering when THE RED SEA will be out on audiobook. I’ve got some good news: I heard from my publisher the other day, and while there’s still not a concrete date, it sounds like the preorder will be up shortly after the holidays, with the book going live not long after that. I’ll absolutely post here as soon as it’s available.
As for the next book in THE CYCLE OF GALAND, I have another project or two to finish first, including the next REBEL STARS book. If I stick to my typical schedule, that means Galand #3 will be out sometime this summer. If it continues after that, the fourth book should be out about six months after that (roughly a year from now).
For now, then, happy holidays and enjoy THE SILVER THIEF. I’m thrilled to have been able to continue the adventures of Dante and Blays—I’m already looking forward to writing the next one.
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