Available for Kindle owners, and those with Kindle-running apps, here. The complete product description etc. hasn’t shown up yet, but it’s a collection of eight of my sci-fi and fantasy stories. In terms of bulk, they’re 50,000 words total, or about 150 print pages.
This is an experiment, really. Among all those other titles, When We Were Mutants & Other Stories might not sell at all, and if it does, it likely won’t comprise a significant income stream. But most of these stories are ones I’ve already sold, and thus dodge some of the normal self-publishing bullets: they’ve already been vetted and proofread. Someone already paid something for them; why not bundle them together, along with a couple new pieces, and see what happens?
If “what happens” is “it makes me some money,” I may put up a second collection, or even the epic fantasy novel twiddling its thumbs on my hard drive. I’m still pursuing the traditional publishing route–that has always and continues to be my career goal, lots of books with logos like Tor and Baen and Ace on the spine; right now I’m seeking representation for The Roar of the Spheres, and while I wait to see what happens with that, I’m woolgathering for my next project–but nobody really knows what’s going to happen with epublishing just yet. I thought I’d find out for myself.
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