the cycle of arawn

After delays of every conceivable kind—I’m surprised the manuscript wasn’t at one point captured by pirates and held for ransom—I’m very, very happy to announce that WHAT LIES BEYOND: The Cycle of Galand #6 is now live.

You can get the ebook on Amazon.

What Lies BeyondThe paperback should be ready in another day or two. One of the nice things about it taking so long to publish this is that my publishers will be able to get the audiobook out more quickly than normal. In fact, Tim’s going to start recording it next month. I don’t know yet exactly when it’ll be out, but I think there’s an outside shot it’ll be live before year’s end, though early next year is more likely.

We’re nearing the end of the series, but there’ll be at least one more book left after this one, and quite possibly two. I’ll have at least one of ’em out next year.

Next on the docket: the sequel to THE SEALED CITADEL, the first Cally book, which I’m planning to have out in December. What do you mean you haven’t read the first book yet?? Fix that right now! Don’t you know the audiobook will be out on November 5? And that Tim Gerard Reynolds is narrating? As young Cally? What could be better? That’s not rhetorical, I really can’t think of anything better than that.

Except, perhaps, wrapping this up and going off to play Stardew Valley, because it was supposed to be my day off. Those digital strawberries won’t pick themselves!

In the meantime, hope you guys enjoy this one. And that it’s long enough to keep you occupied for at least a few days.

Hello faithful readers, and good news: you can cancel the search parties. I’m alive. And I’ve got a new book for you—even better, it’s the start of a new series in a familiar world.

TSC-300x450THE SEALED CITADEL is set in the same universe as the Cycles of Arawn and Galand, but in an earlier time. A much different one. A time when Cally, the man who would later mentor Dante Galand, is just a young sorcerer himself. Yes, that’s right. It’s about Cally.

This is the first in a new series of what will probably be three or four books. To get it off to a nice start, and for fun, it’s currently just $0.99 on Amazon (UK version here) or can be read through Kindle Unlimited. It’s out on paperback, too.

Audiobook questions: will there be one? Yes. Will Tim Gerard Reynolds be narrating? Also yes, and it should be awesome to hear him voice young Cally. I think he’s slated to start recording any day now, so that ought to be out sometime this summer.

Using my almighty power of “having done this for a while,” I foresee another question: Galand #6? Yep, on the way—in fact, I’m almost done with the first draft, so expect the ebook in June, with Tim starting the audio narration shortly thereafter, making for a probable autumn release.

Starting a new series is always both exciting, but also a total gut-wrencher. You never know if it’s going to take off, or, to paraphrase a wise robot, flop like an automated flopping machine. With that in mind, I am extra grateful to everyone who picks this one up. Getting to write Cally’s voice again was a blast. I’m excited to see where the rest of his story leads.

As always, thanks for reading,

– Ed

Today marks a bold new day in Cycle of Galand #4 releasing: THE LIGHT OF LIFE, The Cycle of Galand #4, has now been released. You can find it on Amazon, Amazon UK, and paperback.

TLOL-ebook-2For audiobook listeners, the wait will be shorter this time. THE LIGHT OF LIFE is tentatively scheduled for an August 15 audiobook release. Note this date isn’t chiseled in stone until the preorder’s up, but that’s the plan as it stands. As always, the inestimable Tim Gerard Reynolds will provide narration.

Oh, and if you’re new to the series, you can start with THE RED SEA, The Cycle of Galand #1. Or start at the very beginning with THE CYCLE OF ARAWN, the complete epic fantasy trilogy, which retails for a lowly $4.99, or is free to read through Kindle Unlimited.

I’ll have some updates on future projects, including further books in this series, in a couple of weeks. For now, go read and be merry, for Elon Musk hasn’t yet invented books that can read themselves.

silverthiefI have a release date! THE SILVER THIEF: The Cycle of Galand, Book 2 is coming to audio on May 24th. You can order it on Audible and Amazon.

As with the previous books, THE SILVER THIEF is narrated by the immensely talented Tim Gerard Reynolds. I can’t say enough about Tim—he’s brought these characters to life. I hope I get to continue working with him for a very long time.

I’ll be starting work on the third book in the Cycle of Galand next month, meaning it should be out in ebook and paperback sometime this fall. The audiobook will take a little time to produce from there, but I’d bet my publishers will have it out before the year’s up. (Oh—still no word on the remaining Breakers books, but I’ll keep asking.)

Okay, back to work for me. As always, hope you enjoy. The 24th can’t come soon enough!

For audiobooks, the Audie Awards are kind of a big deal. They’re the format’s equivalent of the Oscars for movies, or the Hugos for science fiction and fantasy.

And THE CYCLE OF ARAWN has been nominated for one.

Best fantasy novel! I’m shocked and thrilled. Even in the midst of my initial euphoria, however, I knew a great deal of the credit belongs to my narrator, Tim Gerard Reynolds. This is no false modesty: Tim’s up for an incredible three Audios this year. Besides ARAWN, he’s also been nominated for Larry Correia’s Son of the Black Sword, and Golden Son, the second book of Pierce Brown’s incredibly popular Red Rising trilogy. Tim’s talent is remarkable and I’m extremely lucky to have his voice reading my words. I have a feeling he’s on the verge of becoming a superstar.

You know who else has three nominations? My audiobook publisher, Podium. Back when I signed with them, it was a bit of a gamble, as their track record was very limited. Since then, however, they’ve racked up all kinds of award nominations and incredible titles, including the #1 selling digital audiobook of all time, THE MARTIAN.

You might fairly label THE MARTIAN as an outlier, what with the whole “Hollywood movie up for a Best Picture Oscar” thing, but Podium’s produced multiple legit bestselling audio series. Along with THE CYCLE OF ARAWN, they’ve also put out Stephen Moss’ FEAR SAGA and Joshua Dalzelle’s BLACK FLEET trilogy, among several others. At this moment, they’ve got 200 titles up representing dozens of authors. The road with them hasn’t been without its bumps, but I couldn’t be happier with my decision to sign with them.

Anyway, win or lose, I’m completely honored to be nominated. Winners will be announced at the Audies Gala on May 11. I can’t wait to hear the results.

Hear ye, hear ye! THE SILVER THIEF: The Cycle of Galand #2 is now live (almost) everywhere. You can find it on Amazon, Amazon UK, iBooks, B&N Nook, Kobo, Google Play, and paperback. The previous book, THE RED SEA, can be found on Amazon.

(NOTE: in a few days, THE SILVER THIEF will be moved into Kindle Unlimited, meaning it’ll only be available through Amazon. If you’re not an Amazon user, please try to snag it before then!)

The Silver Thief: The Cycle of Galand #2This was a fun one to write. I got to expand the world in two or three different dimensions, which is one of the major advantages of writing several books in the same universe. It feels like I get to put more and more “epic” into “epic fantasy” as the series goes on.

Additionally, unlike THE CYCLE OF ARAWN, where each book was a self-contained story, with a few years taking place offscreen between each book, THE SILVER THIEF picks up directly where THE RED SEA left off. I’m looking forward to building a single long, sustained story with this. I wouldn’t be surprised if it requires four books rather than the trilogy I originally saw it as.

Meanwhile, I’m sure a lot of you are wondering when THE RED SEA will be out on audiobook. I’ve got some good news: I heard from my publisher the other day, and while there’s still not a concrete date, it sounds like the preorder will be up shortly after the holidays, with the book going live not long after that. I’ll absolutely post here as soon as it’s available.

As for the next book in THE CYCLE OF GALAND, I have another project or two to finish first, including the next REBEL STARS book. If I stick to my typical schedule, that means Galand #3 will be out sometime this summer. If it continues after that, the fourth book should be out about six months after that (roughly a year from now).

For now, then, happy holidays and enjoy THE SILVER THIEF. I’m thrilled to have been able to continue the adventures of Dante and Blays—I’m already looking forward to writing the next one.



Magic. Mayhem. EPIC.

The first in a new fantasy trilogy by USA Today bestselling author Edward W. Robertson, THE RED SEA is a tale of warfare, wizardry, and friendship through the darkest times.


The Red Sea

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Why have I been so quiet lately? Well, there’s two possibilities on that front. Either the publishing industry has gone back to normal, becoming too static and boring to write about. Or.. I’ve been spending every spare second writing this 215,000-word monster:

Not pictured: the 215,000 words inside

The Black Star is the third and final entry in the Cycle of Arawn, my epic fantasy series. Right now, the first book (The White Tree) is free, the second book (The Great Rift) is cut to $0.99, and The Black Star is $2.99, meaning you can buy ~1600 pages of fantasy for less than it would cost you to purchase $4.00 of alternate goods and services. You can get The Black Star at all reputable online bookstores:

Amazon  |  Amazon UK  |  B&N Nook  |  Kobo  |  iBooks

This is the first series I’ve ever finished, and it feels pretty good. Not just because these books are wayyy long and I was stressed for months about how long it would take me to finish this one. But also because, when I wrote the first book in the series, I couldn’t get an agent for it. So.. that was it. There never would be a series.

I wrote that book in 2007, spent the rest of the year revising it (and multiple times afterwards, too), and spent 2008 trying to find representation for it. In those bygone days of yore, there was no Kindle, no self-publishing as we know it today; self-publishing was still that thing you only did if you couldn’t sell anything to New York and you wanted to use your garage for storing 5000 copies of your book instead of one copy of your car. (Note: I’m being facetious. I think it’s safe to say that was the perception of self-publishers, but after spending the last two years glimpsing what they went through, I’ve got a lot of retroactive respect for the old schoolers.)

Anyway, point is, I always knew how the rest of the series would play out. But due to the realities of the industry, I was never going to get a chance to write it. Not unless—and this is how delusional I was—I became a big name with different books, then forced(?!) my publisher to publish this other, older series no one wanted in the first place.

Uh.. not going to happen, haha. Which stunk. Because I really liked The White Tree. It was the third book I’d written to that point, but it felt like the first one that might be any good.

Don’t get me wrong, it has flaws. Plenty. The structure of its suspense, for one, is less than perfect. In fact, if for some reason you’re possessed to read my books in the order they were written, you can see that structure evolve from The White Tree (third book written) to Titans (fourth) to Breakers (fifth). I think a similar evolution is evident in the sentences, too. For the record, I don’t think my recent books are unassailable works of genius, nor that The White Tree is garbage; I wouldn’t have it available unto the world if I didn’t believe in it. I do. And sometimes, the rawness of a book is part of its appeal.

But in hindsight, I can see why it attracted neither an agent nor a publisher. Even if it’s a fine book, it’s rough in many ways, and getting a foot in the door of traditional publishing is so competitive that you need a book to be as close to perfect as possible. I used to keep track of agent acceptance rates—see, I was a numbers guy even before going all self-pubby—and for all the manuscripts submitted to them in a given year, the typical agent would accept somewhere between 1 in 1000 and 1 in 10,000.

The numbers aren’t quite as dire as that sounds, because of course there is more than one literary agent out there. Even so, it seemed like (very roughly) 1 in 100 novels from unpublished authors wound up being represented and published.

Here is one of the major truths self-publishing has exposed: you don’t need to be in that 1% to connect with readers. A book doesn’t have to be PERFECT. It just has to be.. well, I don’t know. Very good? Good? Good enough? Competent? I have no idea where the Line of Acceptability is drawn. If you had 100 prospective novels in front of you, I don’t know whether the cutoff is generous (whether 33 or 50 or 67 of those 100 “makes it” as readable) or miserly (3 or 5 or 10). I do know that number is more than 1. Possibly by a lot.

Anyway, to return to my long-lost point, The White Tree wasn’t that 1 in 100, and that made me sad. Over the course of writing it, I really fell for the two main characters, Dante and Blays. And Dante’s discovery of magic, and his pursuit of it as a calling, was inspired by all the things I felt about writing. The sense of purpose it gave me. The dedication I’ve found for it. How fun it is. It may have been about swords and gods crazy shadow-weapons, but at its core, it was a very personal book to write.

Without self-publishing, it would have been lost forever.

The second and third books—which I feel much more confident about; to date, I think The Great Rift is my best book, for what that’s worth—would never have been written. The story would never have been told. Now, it’s finished.

Probably, the world would have found a way to exist without the complete Cycle of Arawn. For me, though? It’s a pretty big deal. Without question, the biggest advantage of self-publishing is the financial side; due to the ebook boom, thousands of writers new and old are now making a living off their fiction.

But it isn’t all about the money. The creative side of it is pretty dang rewarding, too. Thanks for reading.

Psst. Hey. You like epic fantasy? How about lots of epic fantasy novels from some bestselling authors (and me) bundled for a ridiculously cheap price? Then this may be relevant to your interests: the four-book fantasy box set The Strife of Gods & Kings, currently just $0.99.

If we’ve stumbled into a Bizarro Universe where you know me, but not the other authors in the set, here’s a quick rundown. David Dalglish, author of the Half-Orcs series, is perhaps the poster boy for indie epic fantasy. He’s sold hundreds of thousands of copies by himself, and within the next year, he’ll have books coming out with both Orbit and Amazon’s 47 North.

Michael Wallace also began indie, but his Righteous thrillers boomed so big he was quickly snatched up by Amazon’s mystery imprint Thomas & Mercer, where he has sold an absurd amount of books. In addition to his thrillers, he’s written a few fantasy novels. I’m hoping some day he’ll cross back over to the Dark Side for good.

Lastly, I’m me. Hi. My book The White Tree is in here. You might like it.

I’ve read both dudes’ work. It’s great stuff and I’m honored to be in this set with them. Hope you like it.

Writers can’t agree on anything. That is because we are simply a subset of “people,” who can’t agree on anything either, but it is more fun to pretend there is something different about us that makes us especially prone to bashing each other’s heads over the most minor of issues. If nothing else, writers are–hypothetically–particularly skilled at rhetoric and word-usin’, so our spats often look more dramatic and convincing than they are.

For instance, there’s a subset of authors out there who will argue quite vehemently that in the early days of your writing career, it is worthless–counterproductive, even–to actually try to sell your books.

Instead, you should wait until you’ve got a decent backlist built up. Five, ten, twenty books. Something like that. Because you’re new to this, it’s more important to work on your craft than to waste time flogging your first books. There’s little point in marketing if you can’t yet write worth a damn. And do you know how little damns are worth? Nothing. Damn this cold weather! See, I’m just giving them away.

Furthermore, when you only have one book up, you’ve only got one book to sell. Captured eyeballs have no other titles to wander off toward. None of yours, anyway. Whereas if you have five or ten books, if you point a potential reader to one of them, they will also have four or nine other books of yours to peruse. Marketing efforts become much more efficient and thus timeworthy when you have more than one book to sell.

And really, the argument concludes, if you write a lot of books, make them available everywhere, and make sure they look nice, you won’t need to market. The books will sell themselves. You won’t even know how! Cream rises to the top, you know. Because it is of a lesser density than the less-fatty milk beneath it and thus it is a law of the natural universe that it will rise. The same physical law of science applies to books. Just ask Newton.

There’s some truth to all these ideas. I have found that is indeed easier to sell books when you have multiples of them to play with. There are all kinds of tricks and games you can play with a three-book series, for instance. And it is very difficult to keep one book selling all the time. It is like.. pushing a snowball up a hill that is also covered in snow. The further you push the ball, the bigger and heavier it gets; as you exhaust places and means to advertise a given book, the more snow it accumulates. It gets harder and harder to keep moving. But if you’ve got nine other little snowballs waiting down the hill, when one ball gets too big to push, forget it and run down to one of the others. Let the big one melt for a while.

And it is simply true that your fifth or tenth book will be better than your first. Unless you’re Joseph Heller. But for all us non-Hellers, in the early days, it is just a better use of time to focus on your writing instead of your sales. Work on your craft and the sales will come later. Craft!

But here’s the thing. Marketing is a craft, too.

That’s right. Marketing is a craft. It’s a science and an art–one of the dark ones, mwa ha ha ha!–and there are just as many myths about selling as there are about writing. For instance, did you know you don’t need a social media presence at all? (I italicized that because italics means you’re an expert. Fact.) It definitely helps, but there are all kinds of things you can do to promote books that don’t involve time-consuming Facebook sessions or blogging. Oops.

Your initial attempts to sell your book are going to be just as hamhanded and cliche-riddled as the first book you wrote. So you know what? Probably best to get them out of the way early. When nobody’s going to see your embarrassment. Thing is, every attempt to sell is a learning experience. The curve is steep. It just doesn’t take that much time and effort to accumulate a clue or two. In fact, this whole damn thing is like D&D. It takes much more experience points to advance from level 19 to level 20 than it does from level 1 to level 2. If you devote the next three years to writing–no marketing, no promotion, nothing but writing–maybe you come out the other side as a 20th Level Writer. But guess what? You are still a 1st Level Salesman. The puniest little kobold can knock you unconscious. Sweet Tiamat! Get behind the fighters!

Meanwhile, if you dedicated 95% of those three years to writing and 5% to learning how to sell books, you’re going to emerge from the dungeon as a 19th Level Writer and, say, an 8th Level Salesman. From there, guess who’s going to have an easier time building their career?

Not to mention the very minor point that if you learn how to sell your books well enough to quit your job or at least reduce your hours, you can dedicate all that extra time to writing. (See? Italics.) You will have more books and they will be better than the person who comes home from their office and dreams up stories for two hours every night while their spouse dreams up new ways to kill them without being caught. One guy’s scrabbling to get in a Sunday afternoon killing dragons with his buddies while the other woman is spending every day slaughtering her way across the Castle of the Golden Lich. Guess who levels up faster?

I’ve just spent 400 words expounding on something that is self-evident once you hear it. Selling is a skill. A craft. To get good at it, you have to work at it. Should you spend more time learning how to sell than you do learning how to write? Absolutely not. I mean, maybe. Look, it’s your life. If you’re a writer, the writing should come first.

But not putting in the effort to learn even rudimentary ways to get your books in front of people who might actually be interested in buying them? That’s shooting yourself in the foot. No. It’s worse. It’s denying you even have legs. Well, you do! You have legs. Learn how to use them, for god’s sake. Don’t rely on outside forces to get you moving. If you sit in one place, the only thing that’s going to get you rolling is an earthquake. You don’t have to train to become a marathon-seller. But at least learn to walk.

By the way one of my books is free until Christmas. See how easy this is? (Side note: this very last bit is irony. This post will in no way change the outcome of my giveaway. I just got aggravated reading for the hundredth time about how writers shouldn’t bother to learn how to sell the things they are writing.)

About Me

I am a Science Fiction and Fantasy author, based in LA. Read More.


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