Recently had “Every Song Is a Love Song” accepted by OG’s Speculative Fiction, a midmarket magazine that I like for reasons I’ve forgotten.
This is my fourth sale now, all of which have come in the last year, a condition which I have probably unreasonably interpreted to mean I’ve hit the point in my career where most of what I write will eventually end up published somewhere. I still write the occasional piece of garbage, and I currently have more stories in submission than placed–barely–but given the ratio of stories written : stories accepted, it feels as if I am doing something right. Needless to say this is an extremely new sensation.
Propelled by stupidity, I’ve decided to write a new short story every two weeks, a pace that’s twice as fast as the best I’ve mustered in the past. The extra-smart part of this plan is I launched it just as I was getting into a new relationship. Failure ahoy? Oh, you better believe it.
I am currently on pace through New Story #2. If I’m finishing New Story #15 at the end of December, I will be mightily impressed. Bonus points if I haven’t alienated everyone I know.
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